Friday, March 25, 2022

Is Am Same As Mw

Medium wave is the part of the medium frequency radio band used mainly for AM radio broadcasting. The spectrum provides about 120 channels with more limited sound quality than FM stations on the FM broadcast band. During the daytime reception is usually limited to more local stations, though this is dependent on the signal conditions and quality of radio receiver used. Improved signal propagation at night allows the reception of much longer distance signals .

is am same as mw - Medium wave is the part of the medium frequency radio band used mainly for AM radio broadcasting

This can cause increased interference, because on most channels multiple transmitters operate simultaneously worldwide. In addition, amplitude modulation is often more prone to interference by various electronic devices, especially power supplies and computers. Strong transmitters cover larger areas than on the FM broadcast band but require more energy and longer antennas. Digital modes are possible but have not reached the momentum yet. Advances in vacuum tube technology (called "valves" in British usage), especially after around 1915, revolutionized radio technology. Vacuum tube devices could be used to amplify electrical currents, which overcame the overheating issues of needing to insert microphones directly in the transmission antenna circuit.

is am same as mw - The spectrum provides about 120 channels with more limited sound quality than FM stations on the FM broadcast band

Vacuum tube transmitters also provided high-quality AM signals, and could operate on higher transmitting frequencies than alternator and arc transmitters. Vacuum tubes remained the central technology of radio for 40 years, until transistors began to dominate in the late 1950s, and are still used in the highest power broadcast transmitters. Medium waves can also reflect off charged particle layers in the ionosphere and return to Earth at much greater distances; this is called the skywave. At night, especially in winter months and at times of low solar activity, the lower ionospheric D layer virtually disappears. When this happens, MW radio waves can easily be received many hundreds or even thousands of miles away as the signal will be reflected by the higher F layer. This can allow very long-distance broadcasting, but can also interfere with distant local stations.

is am same as mw - During the daytime reception is usually limited to more local stations

Due to the limited number of available channels in the MW broadcast band, the same frequencies are re-allocated to different broadcasting stations several hundred miles apart. On nights of good skywave propagation, the skywave signals of a distant station may interfere with the signals of local stations on the same frequency. In North America, the North American Regional Broadcasting Agreement sets aside certain channels for nighttime use over extended service areas via skywave by a few specially licensed AM broadcasting stations. These channels are called clear channels, and they are required to broadcast at higher powers of 10 to 50 kW. Note that the power normally quoted for FM and TV broadcast transmitters is the "effective radiated power" or ERP not the actual transmitter power mentioned above. ERP is the transmitter power delivered to the antenna multiplied by the directivity or gain of the antenna.

is am same as mw - Improved signal propagation at night allows the reception of much longer distance signals

Also, since energy at some frequencies is absorbed by the human body more readily than at other frequencies, both the frequency of the transmitted signal and its intensity is important. Calculations can be performed to predict what field intensity levels would exist at various distances from an antenna. The parts or components produced by this manufacturing process such as sheet metal and bulk forming are widely used in many industry clusters, ranging from computer, home appliance, medical, consumer electronics, automobile to aerospace industries. It is well recognized that nearly 70% of metallic products are handled by the deformation based processing.

is am same as mw - This can cause increased interference

However, there is still lack of a monograph that systematically and thoroughly addresses the process behaviour, performance, modelling and control with the latest research findings and achievements. There are hundreds of thousands of amateur radio operators ("hams") worldwide. Amateur radio operators in the United States are licensed by the FCC. The Amateur Radio Service provides its members with the opportunity to communicate with persons all over the world and to provide valuable public service functions, such as making communications services available during disasters and emergencies. Like all FCC licensees, amateur radio operators are required to comply with the FCC's guidelines for safe human exposure to RF fields. Under the FCC's rules, amateur operators can transmit with power levels of up to 1500 watts.

is am same as mw - In addition

However, most operators use considerably less power than this maximum. Studies by the FCC and others have shown that most amateur radio transmitters would not normally expose persons to RF levels in excess of safety limits. This is primarily due to the relatively low operating powers used by most amateurs, the intermittent transmission characteristics typically used and the relative inaccessibility of most amateur antennas.

is am same as mw - Strong transmitters cover larger areas than on the FM broadcast band but require more energy and longer antennas

As long as appropriate distances are maintained from amateur antennas, exposure of nearby persons should be well below safety limits. The most important use for RF energy is in providing telecommunications services. Microwave ovens are an example of a non-telecommunication use of RF energy. Radiofrequency radiation, especially at microwave frequencies, can transfer energy to water molecules. High levels of microwave energy will generate heat in water-rich materials such as most foods. This efficient absorption of microwave energy via water molecules results in rapid heating throughout an object, thus allowing food to be cooked more quickly in a microwave oven than in a conventional oven.

is am same as mw - Digital modes are possible but have not reached the momentum yet

Other important non-telecommunication uses of RF energy include radar and industrial heating and sealing. Radar is a valuable tool used in many applications range from traffic speed enforcement to air traffic control and military surveillance. Industrial heaters and sealers generate intense levels of RF radiation that rapidly heats the material being processed in the same way that a microwave oven cooks food. These devices have many uses in industry, including molding plastic materials, gluing wood products, sealing items such as shoes and pocketbooks, and processing food products. There are also a number of medical applications of RF energy, such as diathermy and magnetic resonance imaging .

is am same as mw - Advances in vacuum tube technology called

Some microbroadcasters, especially those in the United States operating under the FCC's Part 15 rules, and pirate radio operators on mediumwave and shortwave, achieve greater range than possible on the FM band. On mediumwave these stations often transmit on 1610 kHz to 1710 kHz. Microbroadcasting and pirate radio have generally been supplanted by streaming audio on the Internet, but some schools and hobbyists still use LPAM transmissions.

is am same as mw - Vacuum tube devices could be used to amplify electrical currents

AM radio technology is simpler than later transmission systems. An AM receiver detects amplitude variations in the radio waves at a particular frequency, then amplifies changes in the signal voltage to operate a loudspeaker or earphone. However, the simplicity of AM transmission also makes it vulnerable to "static" created by both natural atmospheric electrical activity such as lightning, and electrical and electronic equipment, including fluorescent lights, motors and vehicle ignition systems. In large urban centres, AM radio signals can be severely disrupted by metal structures and tall buildings. As a result, AM radio tends to do best in areas where FM frequencies are in short supply, or in thinly populated or mountainous areas where FM coverage is poor.

is am same as mw - Vacuum tube transmitters also provided high-quality AM signals

Great care must be taken to avoid mutual interference between stations operating on the same frequency. The earliest public radiotelegraph broadcasts were provided as government services, beginning with daily time signals inaugurated on January 1, 1905, by a number of U.S. In Europe, signals transmitted from a station located on the Eiffel tower were received throughout much of Europe.

is am same as mw - Vacuum tubes remained the central technology of radio for 40 years

Because at these frequencies atmospheric noise is far above the receiver signal to noise ratio, inefficient antennas much smaller than a wavelength can be used for receiving. For reception at frequencies below 1.6 MHz, which includes long and medium waves, loop antennas are popular because of their ability to reject locally generated noise. By far the most common antenna for broadcast reception is the ferrite-rod antenna, also known as a loopstick antenna. The high permeability ferrite core allows it to be compact enough to be enclosed inside the radio's case and still have adequate sensitivity. For weak signal reception or to discriminate between different signals sharing a common frequency directional antennas are used.

is am same as mw - Medium waves can also reflect off charged particle layers in the ionosphere and return to Earth at much greater distances this is called the skywave

For best signal-to-noise ratio these are best located outdoors away from sources of electrical interference. Examples of such medium wave antennas include broadband untuned loops, elongated terminated loops, wave antennas (e.g. the Beverage antenna) and the ferrite sleeve loop antenna. Radio and television broadcast stations transmit their signals via RF electromagnetic waves. There are thousands of radio and TV stations on the air in the United States. Broadcast stations transmit at various RF frequencies, depending on the channel, ranging from about 540 kHz for AM radio up to about 700 MHz for UHF television stations. Frequencies for FM radio and VHF television lie in between these two extremes.

is am same as mw - At night

Broadcast transmitter power levels range from less then a watt to more than 100,000 watts. Some of these transmission systems can be a significant source of RF energy in the local environment, so the FCC requires that broadcast stations submit evidence of compliance with FCC RF guidelines. Many countries in Europe and elsewhere use exposure guidelines developed by the International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection .

is am same as mw - When this happens

The ICNIRP safety limits are generally similar to those of the NCRP and IEEE, with a few exceptions. For example, ICNIRP recommends somewhat different exposure levels in the lower and upper frequency ranges and for localized exposure due to such devices as hand-held cellular telephones. One of the goals of the WHO EMF Project is to provide a framework for international harmonization of RF safety standards.

is am same as mw - This can allow very long-distance broadcasting

The threshold level is a Specific Absorption Rate value for the whole body of 4 watts per kilogram (4 W/kg). Hybrid digital broadcast systems, which combine AM transmission with digital sidebands, have started to be used around the world. In the United States, iBiquity's proprietary HD Radio has been adopted and approved by the FCC for medium wave transmissions, while Digital Radio Mondiale is a more open effort often used on the shortwave bands, and can be used alongside many AM broadcasts.

is am same as mw - Due to the limited number of available channels in the MW broadcast band

Both of these standards are capable of broadcasting audio of significantly greater fidelity than that of standard AM with current bandwidth limitations, and a theoretical frequency response of 0–16 kHz, in addition to stereo sound and text data. January 15, 1920 Broadcasting in the United Kingdom began with impromptu news and phonograph music over 2MT, the 15 kW experimental tube transmitter at Marconi's factory in Chelmsford, Essex, at a frequency of 120 kHz. On June 15, 1920, the Daily Mail newspaper sponsored the first scheduled British radio concert, by the famed Australian opera diva Nellie Melba. This transmission was heard throughout much of Europe, including in Berlin, Paris, The Hague, Madrid, Spain, and Sweden. Chelmsford continued broadcasting concerts with noted performers.

is am same as mw - On nights of good skywave propagation

A few months later, in spite of burgeoning popularity, the government ended the broadcasts, due to complaints that the station's longwave signal was interfering with more important communication, in particular military aircraft radio. In courses in which final examinations are not scheduled, an exam that substitutes for a final examination may not be given in the last week of classes. Hourly tests may be given in the last week of classes, whether or not a final examination is administered during the exam period. Examinations in precepts should be given during the last class meeting. Take Home examinations are due at the exam time designated for the day and period at which the class regularly meets. Examinations in classes which meet one day per week are scheduled according to the schedule below, according to the meeting day and start time of the one day per week class.

is am same as mw - In North America

Examinations in classes which meet two or more periods in one day, or in combination sequence (e.g. Mon/Wed, Mon/Fri, Tues/Thurs), are scheduled according to the first lecture period. No activities can be scheduled during official reading periods. The RF signals from these antennas travel in a directed beam from a transmitting antenna to the receiving antenna, and dispersion of microwave energy outside of this narrow beam is minimal or insignificant. In addition, these antennas transmit using very low power levels, usually on the order of a few watts or less. Measurements have shown that ground-level power densities due to microwave directional antennas are normally thousands of times or more below recommended safety limits. Moreover, microwave tower sites are normally inaccessible to the general public.

is am same as mw - These channels are called clear channels

Significant exposures from these antennas could only occur in the unlikely event that an individual were to stand directly in front of and very close to an antenna for a period of time. Other antennas, such as those used for radio and television broadcast transmissions, use power levels that are generally much higher than those used for cellular and PCS antennas. Therefore, in some cases there could be a potential for higher levels of exposure to persons on the ground. However, all broadcast stations are required to demonstrate compliance with FCC safety guidelines, and ambient exposures to nearby persons from such stations are typically well below FCC safety limits. The rapid development of web-based technology offers huge opportunities for radio broadcasting. A second country which quickly adopted network programming was the United Kingdom, and its national network quickly became a prototype for a state-managed monopoly of broadcasting.

is am same as mw - Note that the power normally quoted for FM and TV broadcast transmitters is the

Is Am Radio Same As Mw A rising interest in radio broadcasting by the British public pressured the government to reintroduce the service, following its suspension in 1920. However, the government also wanted to avoid what it termed the "chaotic" U.S. experience of allowing large numbers of stations to operate with few restrictions. There were also concerns about broadcasting becoming dominated by the Marconi company. Arrangements were made for six large radio manufacturers to form a consortium, the British Broadcasting Company , established on 18 October 1922, which was given a monopoly on broadcasting. This enterprise was supported by a tax on radio sets sales, plus an annual license fee on receivers, collected by the Post Office. In 1927, the original broadcasting organization was replaced by a government chartered British Broadcasting Corporation.

Is Am Radio Same As Mw

An independent nonprofit supported solely by a 10 shilling receiver license fee. A mixture of populist and high brow programmes were carried by the National and Regional networks. In the late 20th century, overcrowding on the Medium wave band was a serious problem in parts of Europe contributing to the early adoption of VHF FM broadcasting by many stations . Due to the high demand for frequencies in Europe, many countries set up single frequency networks; in Britain, BBC Radio Five Live broadcasts from various transmitters on either 693 or 909 kHz. These transmitters are carefully synchronized to minimize interference from more distant transmitters on the same frequency.

is am same as mw - Also

These signals allow delivery of a variety of communications services, including television network programming, electronic news gathering and point-of-sale credit card transactions. Some satellite-earth station antennas are used only to receive RF signals (i.e., like the satellite television antenna used at a residence), and because they do not transmit, RF exposure is not an issue for those antennas. As discussed above, radiofrequency emissions from antennas used for cellular and PCS transmissions result in exposure levels on the ground that are typically thousands of times below safety limits.

is am same as mw - Calculations can be performed to predict what field intensity levels would exist at various distances from an antenna

These safety limits were adopted by the FCC based on the recommendations of expert organizations and endorsed by agencies of the Federal Government responsible for health and safety. Therefore, there is no reason to believe that such towers could constitute a potential health hazard to nearby residents or students. At relatively low levels of exposure to RF radiation, i.e., levels lower than those that would produce significant heating, the evidence for production of harmful biological effects is ambiguous and unproven. Such effects, if they exist, have been referred to as "non-thermal" effects. A number of reports have appeared in the scientific literature describing the observation of a range of biological effects resulting from exposure to low levels of RF energy.

is am same as mw - The parts or components produced by this manufacturing process such as sheet metal and bulk forming are widely used in many industry clusters

However, in most cases, further experimental research has been unable to reproduce these effects. Furthermore, since much of the research is not done on whole bodies , there has been no determination that such effects constitute a human health hazard. It is generally agreed that further research is needed to determine the generality of such effects and their possible relevance, if any, to human health. In the meantime, standards-setting organizations and government agencies continue to monitor the latest experimental findings to confirm their validity and determine whether changes in safety limits are needed to protect human health. HD Radio is a digital audio broadcasting method developed by iBiquity.

is am same as mw - It is well recognized that nearly 70 of metallic products are handled by the deformation based processing

Patent 706,737, which he applied for on May 29, 1901, and was issued the next year. Fessenden began his research on audio transmissions while doing developmental work for the United States Weather Service on Cobb Island, Maryland. He later reported that, in the fall of 1900, he successfully transmitted speech over a distance of about 1.6 kilometers , which appears to have been the first successful audio transmission using radio signals.

is am same as mw - However

However, at this time the sound was far too distorted to be commercially practical. For a time he continued working with more sophisticated high-frequency spark transmitters, including versions that used compressed air, which began to take on some of the characteristics of arc-transmitters. Fessenden attempted to sell this form of radiotelephone for point-to-point communication, but was unsuccessful. For medium-wave broadcasting, quarter-wave masts are between 153 feet and 463 feet high, depending on the frequency.

is am same as mw - There are hundreds of thousands of amateur radio operators

Because such tall masts can be costly and uneconomic, other types of antennas are often used, which employ capacitive top-loading to achieve equivalent signal strength with vertical masts shorter than a quarter wavelength. A "top hat" of radial wires is occasionally added to the top of mast radiators, to allow the mast to be made shorter. For local broadcast stations and amateur stations of under 5 kW, T- and L-antennas are often used, which consist of one or more horizontal wires suspended between two masts, attached to a vertical radiator wire. A popular choice for lower-powered stations is the umbrella antenna, which needs only one mast one-tenth wavelength or less in height. This antenna uses a single mast insulated from ground and fed at the lower end against ground. At the top of the mast, radial top-load wires are connected which slope downwards at an angle of 40–45 degrees as far as about one-third of the total height, where they are terminated in insulators and thence outwards to ground anchors.

is am same as mw - Amateur radio operators in the United States are licensed by the FCC

Thus the umbrella antenna uses the guy wires as the top-load part of the antenna. In all these antennas the smaller radiation resistance of the short radiator is increased by the capacitance added by the wires attached to the top of the antenna. The FCC does not have a comprehensive, transmitter-specific database for all of the services it regulates.

is am same as mw - The Amateur Radio Service provides its members with the opportunity to communicate with persons all over the world and to provide valuable public service functions

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Is Am Same As Mw

Medium wave is the part of the medium frequency radio band used mainly for AM radio broadcasting. The spectrum provides about 120 channels w...